The basic role of the teacher is to create environments that are aimed at raising individuals who learn how to learn and to guide students. Based on this principle, the Turkish Maarif Foundation uses exemplary teachers who are experts in their fields, have pedagogical competence, are eager to be a constant learner as well as a teacher, and know that every action has moral value in its educational activities.
In the employment of teaching staff, the Teaching Profession General Competencies Certificate is taken as a reference; criteria such as pedagogical formation, field knowledge, foreign language knowledge, general culture, communication skills, openness to scientific and technological developments, and historical and cultural awareness are taken into consideration.
The Turkish Maarif Foundation is very sensitive about the professional development of the teachers it employs. “Maarif Teachers” are subject to periodic in-service training on-site or via distance education technologies on subjects such as field knowledge, effective teaching skills, psychological counseling and guidance knowledge, student-parent communication, multicultural education and 21st Century Skills. In order to ensure effective communication and coordination among education personnel, these teachers are also regularly given training in Turkish and local languages.
Turkish Maarif Foundation cooperates with higher education institutions in Türkiye and other countries in order to develop its teaching staff professionally and academically.
The Turkish Maarif Foundation shows the necessary sensitivity regarding the personal rights and leave rights of education personnel and strives to keep their morale and motivation high.