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Burundi Maarif Schools

Burundi Maarif Schools

Burundi Maarif Schools

International Maarif School has a blend of richly experienced and empathetic as well young and vibrant educators who are ready to guide learners to maximal fulfilment of their potential. Classes are kept small average of 24 students per class so that learners receive personal attention to express the school’s commitment to Developing the Uniqueness of Every Learner and so that the promised 3A’s of Attention, Affection and Advancement are delivered in abundance.

In the academic arena, we embrace the Cambridge curriculum, we also carry out library summaries in which children read books borrowed from the library which is well stocked and then make summaries which are marked and rewarded by the very experienced staff.

We are also much-vaunted STEM strand in education and through the STEM strand, high school students are exposed to complex mathematical and science theories and concepts which will serve as a foundation for their higher courses and so as to impart an education which commences the preparation of learners for the universities of the 21st Century.

At the heart of our offerings is the standard Cambridge curriculum we both teach curricular and co-curricular additions such as Twenty First Century Learning Skills, Character Refinement Programme, Computer Skills/Coding/Robotics, Turkish and Indigenous Traditional Arts, Sport and Nature Study through regular outings to the neighbouring areas of education, Nature Reserve which is considered a classroom of Integrated Management System IMS for the inculcation of appreciation and conservation of nature as an essential global theme. 

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