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Classes of 24 students. (20 for Nursery)

cambridge system

We embrace the Cambridge System for students ages 5 to 19 in Primary, Lower Secondary, Upper Secondary, and Cambridge AS & Advanced Levels. We offer all the four stages, mentioned above. We have a kindergarten section as Nursery and Reception aged 3 to 5 as our foundation and later join Grade 1 at the age of 5. We integrate both the curriculum provided by our headquarters in Turkey and local to aid our learners in gaining skills.

Cambridge Primary (G1-G6)

Our primary learners are aged 5 to 11 years. We teach 9 subjects recommended by Cambridge plus the three making a total of 12:

1. English as a second language,

2. Mathematics, 


4. Art & Design, 

5. Digital literacy,


7. Physical Education,

8. Social Studies 

9. ICT,

10. Kirundi 

11. French 


From grade 3 to grade 6. We do progression tests to keep our students within the system of Cambridge at the end of each level. At the end of Cambridge Primary, we do Cambridge Primary Checkpoint tests downloaded from the school support hub which we organize, and our teachers do the supervision and marking.

Cambridge Lower Secondary (W7-8-9)

Our learners are aged 11 to 14 years.

We teach 13 subjects: 

1. English as a second language, 

2. Mathematics, 

3. Science holistically: Biology – living things and how they interact. 

4. Chemistry – the study of matter. 

5. Physics – the interaction of matter and energy, 

6. Digital literacy,


8. Physical education, 

9. ICT. 


11. Kirundi

We do Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint tests from the school support hub and our teachers do the supervision and marking which marks the end of lower secondary with the graduation and provide the certificates of completion to candidates.

Cambridge IGCSE (G 10- 11)We embrace the Cambridge system and our students for (G 10- 11) do IGCSE exams with one of our registered Maarif Cambridge Centers in Ethiopia……

Among the over 70 subjects we teach 14 subjects, but students choose at least 7 subjects where Mathematics, Biology, and English as the second subject are compulsory then our students choose from other options according to their future careers we include parents, teachers, and students During the subject selection, and they confirm with their signature after sharing with their children and after us giving and offering career guidance. The subjects include:0417 / Information and communication technology

IGCSE 0520 / Foreign Language FrenchIGCSE 

0580 / Mathematics (Without Coursework) 

0460 / GeographyIGCSE 

0510 / English as a Second Language (Speaking Endorsement) 

IGCSE 0625 / PhysicsIGCSE 0450 / 

Business Studies 

IGCSE 0478 / 

Computer ScienceIGCSE 0455 / Economics 

IGCSE 0470 / HistoryIGCSE 0620 / Chemistry 

IGCSE 0610 / BiologyIGCSE 0513/Turkish - First Language

Cambridge International GCE AS & A Level (G12-13)

We have Cambridge International AS & Advanced Level ( G 12-13) for students aged 16 to 19 years who need advanced study to prepare for university International A Level is typically a two-year course, and Cambridge International AS Level is typically one year.

We offer the following A' Level combinations in Sciences and Arts/Humanities 

PCB [Physics Chemistry Biology] 

BCM [Biology Chemistry Mathematics]

BCG [Biology Chemistry Geography] 

PCM [Physics Chemistry Mathematics]

PEM [Physics Economics Mathematics] 

MEG [Mathematics Economics Geography]

PAM [Physics Art Mathematics] 

PMCs [Physics Mathematics Computer Science] 

HEG [History Economics Geography] 

HEL [History Economics Literature] 

HLG [History Literature Geography] 

LEG [Literature Economics Geography] 

HFG [History French Geography]

MBA [Mathematics, Business Studies, Art]

Some subjects can be started as a Cambridge International AS Level and extended to a Cambridge International A Level. Students can either follow a broad course of study or specialize in one subject area. Cambridge Assessment International Education Official Website (

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